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TOP 8 factors why hemp seeds do not germinate

TOP 8 factors why hemp seeds do not germinate

Growers are often faced with the problem of what to do if cannabis seeds do not germinate - this situation can cause anxiety or real panic. When cannabis stubbornly refuses to sprout, there is a high risk that all the money was simply wasted, just like the time and effort spent planting it. Why this happens, you will find out in our article.

We do not encourage the cultivation of cannabis. According to the law of Ukraine, this is a crime. The material was created for informational purposes for persons over 18 years of age.

Why marijuana seeds don’t germinate: TOP 8 most popular reasons

First, it is worth considering that under specific circumstances, the germination time of cannabis seeds may increase (sometimes this can take up to 7 days). Planting material is adapted to open and closed ground. There are also varieties that can sprout only under certain conditions. However, if the seeds do not germinate for a long time, this can become a real problem. Most often this happens for the following reasons.

Reason No. 1: Infection

Infection typically occurs even before purchasing seeds. Planting material may not be stored properly, dried or packaged poorly. Under these conditions, it is easy to catch an infection that kills the seeds. However, they may appear to be quite healthy. Therefore, you should trust only trusted suppliers, such as seed shop Coffeeshop.ua®.

Reason No. 2: Poor soil mixture

Like any other plant, marijuana needs a certain soil. In particular, it is necessary to arrange drainage, and the soil must be moderately loose so that oxygen can easily flow to the seeds and excess moisture can be removed. If this does not happen, the sprout may suffocate or even rot. Also, too dense soil prevents physical germination upward, robbing the sprout of too much vitality.

Additionally, you should pay attention to pH level. If it is too high or low, the seeds will not be able to germinate. If there is an infection in the soil mixture, then you can, in principle, expect nothing from the planting material. It is best to buy a substrate for growing indoors in a trusted store. If you are going to grow marijuana outdoors, it is best to prepare the soil for planting seeds in advance. If you are confident in the quality of the soil, then you can immediately proceed to the process of burying planting material in the ground.

Reason No. 3: Improper storage

Seeds must be stored under the correct conditions to maximize their viability. They must be protected from parasites, moisture, and infection. If you have opened a package of purchased seeds (to check the product or for another reason), then you should definitely plant them within 1-2 months.

Reason #4: Planted too deep

This reason occurs quite often among novice growers. The seeds may simply not have enough strength to make their way up. It is best to deepen the seeds into the substrate by 8 mm.

Reason #5: Incorrect soil temperature

If you plant seeds in open soil in the spring, you should certainly take into account the soil temperature, since germination depends on it. In practice, it has been proven that in the natural environment, germination of certain marijuana seeds is possible at a fairly low soil temperature (+1 … +3 degrees C). The highest germination of seeds is observed at +8 … +10 C (outdoors), at the same time, there are special varieties that require a warmer environment.

You can significantly increase the chances of abundant seedlings if the soil temperature at night does not drop below +8 degrees C.

Reason No. 6: Excessive watering

Water too frequently and abundantly can cause harm, provoke mold, rotting processes and death of seeds. The substrate for cannabis germination does not require constant watering. You should only moisten the soil if it is completely dry. In this situation, moisture should be added using a pipette in small doses.

Reason No. 7: Expiration date

Shelf life is directly affected by storage conditions: temperature, humidity level. If the conditions are unsuitable, the seeds quickly deteriorate. If you plant seeds that are about to expire, the lack of germination may be due to this.

Reason No. 8: The seeds were washed away

If you water the soil abundantly after planting, there is a risk that the seeds will simply be washed into the corners of the container or drown in the soil under a strong stream. In this situation it is difficult to germinate. Therefore, watering should be carried out in doses and carefully.

If you want to learn more about seed germination, we have already published an article how to properly germinate hemp seeds, so you don’t have to worry about the plant’s excellent germination.

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