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Beginner Growers Problems

Beginner Growers Problems

Inexperienced amateur cannabis growers will inevitably experience the problems in growing cannabis that all pioneers experience. Don't despair, mistakes are normal. The main thing is not to give up and continue to move towards the cherished dream - sweet oily cones with a high content of substances useful for expanding consciousness. Today we will discuss the main issues of beginner growers and how to eliminate them.

Excessive curiosity and fuss

You should not look into the box every hour. Shrubs require close attention only at the flowering stage after the formation and weighting of the buds in order not to miss the moment of harvest. The rest of the time, constant monitoring of plants only harms.

By opening and closing the grow box, you influence the internal microclimate: change the temperature and humidity. Many hemp strains have a personality similar to that of cats: they do not like to be constantly pulled, but they will remain alert and cheerful if you meet their needs in time and unobtrusively monitor their health. So watch your wards through the technical window in the grow box or just be patient.

Uncontrolled plant nutrition

If a person does not control the amount of food consumed, then its quality for health ceases to play a significant role, because food turns into poison. By overeating, we poison the body, even if we do it only with the right and natural food.

The same with plants. Cannabis requires a certain amount of nutrients at each stage of its life. No more, no less.

To understand how much, what and when to give cannabis, use the feeding charts. They are offered by manufacturers and experienced growers on specialized forums. Just follow the instructions, and problems with growing marijuana will bypass you.

Use of unverified information

Our growers draw information from the following sources:

  • Blogs, forums, and other Internet resources of the Russian and Ukrainian-speaking segment. If you find a source you trust, be sure to check its relevance or, at least, the date the material was posted. Responsible bloggers are constantly updating information, using research links, and being accountable for what they say.
  • foreign resources. Do not be lazy to look for a good source that prints information about current research or publishes the experience of older growers.

You can always contact the managers of the Coffeeshop® online store, not only to buy everything for growing marijuana, but also to receive quality professional advice. We will advise the best option for your requirements.

Savings on equipment and fertilizers

The desire to save today leads to unforeseen expenses tomorrow. This rule works in any situation, and in the case of growing plants at home - doubly so. No one wants to invest effort, money, time in a plant, take care of it, love it and not give it to anyone, and then destroy it with low-quality additives or elevated temperature due to a failed fan. But any unauthorized change in the microclimate in the grow box is perceived by the plant as stress. So save your work and invest in worthy acquisitions that will bring you joy from the process, and your plants - health and cheerful appearance.

Unverified genetics

Your friend offers to buy cannabis seeds without packaging at a super price? We highly do not recommend doing this. You run the risk of getting not a fresh cannabis bush, but a terrible mutant whose growth will be too difficult to control. As a result, you will invest your energy and money in that “animal” that may not live through the entire cycle. And as a result, it will also turn out to be jerky.

Trust only eminent seed banks that give a guarantee for their product, monitor its safety and have excellent reviews.

And finally, a little advice from Coffeeshop® for those who live in countries where the cultivation of cannabis is legal. Keep a photo diary of cannabis growth. It is advisable to make more text notes. Check the records against how the manufacturer describes the stages of development. In this case, you will definitely not miss the deviation from development and get the maximum result.

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