How to fertilize cannabis

How to fertilize cannabis

In pursuit of a big harvest, growers are asking: “When to fertilize cannabis?” - from the moment the first root appears. Beginning cannabis growers often sin with too much attention to plants, which is why they often overfeed them. Remember that a lack of nutrients is easy to eliminate, which cannot be said about an excess. That is why, until you learn to quickly fix the symptoms of growth deviations, follow the manufacturer's recommendations and do not experiment with the concentration of the compounds. Coffeeshop® invites you to learn the basics of the science of proper fertilization so that at the end of the cycle, Mary Jane flowers will delight you with luxurious flowering. (However, we remind you that the material is provided for informational purposes and can be used for practical purposes in the territories of those countries where the cultivation of cannabis is not prohibited by law).

Crop Basics - What is Cannabis Fertilizer?

Before fertilizing cannabis, you should figure out exactly what substances cannabis needs. Plants are a kind of chemical factories that require a minimum of 16 chemical elements to work:

  • Structural: oxygen, hydrogen and carbon.
  • Main macronutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. For normal functioning, they must be present in large quantities.
  • Secondary nutrients: calcium, magnesium, sulfur.
  • Trace elements: iron, copper, zinc, manganese, boron, molybdenum, chlorine. Their plants are taken from soil and water or a hydroponic solution, but they do not produce themselves. Trace elements are an important component of most enzymatic reactions, without the normal course of which a large harvest cannot be seen.

In nature, a plant that is deficient in substances throws all its strength into expanding the root system. Hemp, as it were, captures a large territory in order to “pump out” the necessary elements from it. If she does not find them, then she simply bears less fruit, which cannot be allowed in the grower's business. It is better to figure out once how to fertilize cannabis plants and use this knowledge further than not to get enough in flowering cones.

Each manufacturer offers its own diets for plants, but the compositions of the proposed compositions will always contain the above-described nutrients in different proportions. The PPM indicator helps to determine their content in water. If you see the inscription that the solution contains 1000 PPM, then it contains 1 mg of the nutrient per 1 liter of water. When applying fertilizer, follow the tables with recommendations for different stages of growth from manufacturers, otherwise you can harm the plant, which will be very difficult to fix.

If you're wondering when to fertilize cannabis, seasoned growers recommend starting to feed the plant 10 days after planting. At first, fertilizers should be applied in reduced concentrations. Start with a third of the dosage so that the cannabis has time to get used to the new composition and adapt internal processes for its absorption.

What are cannabis fertilizers?

As for other types of plants, fertilizers for growing cannabis at home are divided into organic and mineral.

  • Organic. It is a purified and concentrated type of fertilizer. In order for the plant to be able to assimilate them, special bacteria are needed that will process substances into simple compounds. Organic is good because it forgives errors in dosage, but it costs more than mineral fertilizers and has a short shelf life. It can be used for soil and substrate.
  • Mineral fertilizers. Suitable for all types of cultivation, including hydroponics. They are cheaper, stored for a long time, not capricious of temperature changes, but they change the acid-base balance of the soil, which means they require a clear dosage. It can be more difficult for beginners to understand their concentration than when working with organic matter, so mineral compositions are more often recommended to already experienced growers.

Some are interested in how hemp fertilizes naturally. We do not recommend using untested formulations. Grandma's methods (manure, grated eggshell, ash, etc.) are not suitable for advanced growers. These options change the composition of the soil in a very unpredictable way. No one can guarantee you a good harvest when working with such substances. Competent growers invest in quality fertilizers from proven manufacturers, because they do not want to risk the resources already invested and the future harvest.

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