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A complete guide to growing psilocybs at home

A complete guide to growing psilocybs at home

One of the ways to relax and open up the facets of consciousness is to try growing "magic" mushrooms. Growing mushrooms at home is not only consumption, but also a great alternative to working in the garden. Therefore, if a gardener is dozing in you, then our article will help you realize your potential without leaving your apartment.

Mushrooms can be easily grown on your own at home in the territories of those countries where it is allowed, following our instructions.

Cultivation of spores of psilocybin mushrooms in Ukraine are prohibited and punishable by law, use spores exclusively for legal research purposes . This material contains exclusively scientific information for persons over 18 years of age. 

How is the cultivation of hallucinogenic mushrooms at home, and what rules must be observed, we will tell below.

Basic information about magic mushrooms

Psilocybin mushrooms are plants high in substances such as psilocybin and psilocybin, which have a special effect on the nervous system. They evoke colorful images in the mind, plunging the mind into another reality.

There are different types of psilocybin mushrooms, depending on the level of substances that cause intense sensations.

Most of all mushrooms with a shock dose of psilocybin and psilocybin grow in India, Indonesia, South America and Mexico. There, the locals developed a whole cult using “magic mushrooms” aimed at releasing the subconscious.

Gradually, these customs penetrate into our culture and life. And, in order to better study all the features of these rituals, you can start growing psilocybin mushrooms in a secluded place.

What tools are needed to grow mushrooms

The process of growing mushrooms is divided into two phases. Moreover, different devices are needed for the first and second stages.

For the first one, you need to purchase:

  • 10 jars with a volume of 0.5 liters with a wide neck. Containers need to be sterilized;
  • means for protecting hands and mucous membranes (nose, eyes, mouth): gloves, goggles, mask;
  • antiseptics for sterilizing containers;
  • needles for injections;
  • paper napkins or towels;
  • lighter.

For the second step you will need:

  • sprayer: it is necessary to irrigate spores that have already germinated;
  • Grow box: plastic container with holes 1-2 cm in diameter;
  • devices for measuring temperature and humidity;
  • Vermiculite and/or Perlite - These preparations are used to create optimal moisture levels in the grow box.

And for cultivation, you need spores of hallucinogenic mushrooms, which can be found in the profile shop.

These tools will be enough to grow a new batch of mushrooms.

Stage 1: Disinfection

The main enemy of a rich harvest is bacteria, which can penetrate into a container with mushrooms. Therefore, all banks must be treated with an antiseptic inside and out. Processing is best done in the bathroom or kitchen with the door closed.

Stage 2: Grafting

At this stage, it is important to follow all the instructions: neutralize the injection needle with a lighter (heat it red-hot), insert it on a syringe filled with spores and carefully pour it into jars.

In one jar we place 1 cube of the prepared culture.

This procedure must be repeated with all containers, each time changing the needle.

Stage 3: Growing

After you have finished spreading the crop into jars, place them in the grow box. Place it in a room with a temperature of +26 to +30. At this time, you can not “disturb” the jars so that mycelium is formed - a white substance.

It appears after 5 days, and in order for it to “ripen”, you need to leave the jars for another 7 days.

Stage 4: processing the growbox

You need to carefully remove the jars, and put perlite or vermiculite on the bottom of the grow box, and sprinkle water on top of them.

Stage 5: Extracting the cake

We are talking about mycelium - a white airy substance resembling an air cake.

For this procedure, you need to put on gloves and then remove it from the container - turn the jar over and transfer all the contents to a sheet of cardboard or a plate. Then this substance must be transferred to the container.

A sign that you did everything right is the smell of fresh mushrooms. If you feel that an unpleasant aroma comes from the "cake", there are pathogenic bacteria, and it is better to dispose of it. In this case, ahead is a new attempt in compliance with all regulations regarding disinfection.

After you remove the mycelium from all containers, you need to spray it with water from a spray bottle, then close the grow box with a lid and put it in a dark place.

For the next four weeks, you need to monitor the temperature (+26C) and moisture (36-38%) using special devices.

Step 6: Harvest

After a month, we harvest. We put on gloves and carefully separate the mushrooms from the mycelium. Then we place them in a grow box treated with an antiseptic and cleaned with dry wipes. We store the finished product in a dark and cool place - in the refrigerator, for example.

The mycelium is recommended to be disposed of or used as a fertilizer for growing subsequent batches of “magic mushrooms”.

Now you know how to grow psilocybin mushrooms at home and discover something new.

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