Types of marijuana around the world

Types of marijuana around the world

Scientists have long proven the positive properties of marijuana - it is effective in the treatment of cancer, epilepsy and other diseases. It is also actively used in industry for the creation of cosmetics, the manufacture of durable fabrics and other purposes. Marijuana is not just one single plant. Breeders distinguish different types of cannabis with unique properties, growth environment and effects on humans. In this article, we will take a closer look at the question of what types of marijuana are and their effect.

How many varieties of marijuana in the world: we analyze the most famous

The presented culture has its own characteristics and subtleties of growth, genetics, and plant development. If you study the list of all varieties of marijuana, then experts often distinguish 3 different options.


The presented variety is typically called sowing marijuana. From the very beginning, it grew in distant hot countries (Mexico, Jamaica, Colombia), after which it was brought to Europe. Among other subspecies of marijuana, sativa is the tallest bush, because under favorable growing conditions, the plant is able to reach 4 m, but frequently the height varies from 1.5 to 2.5 m. The yield of the plant is also quite high.

The main component of sativa is THC - a natural stimulant with a pronounced tonic effect. This type of cannabis is typically used in a situation where you need to cheer up, cheer up and refresh. Medicinal benefits of sativa include:

  • increased appetite and corrected eating disorders;
  • neuroprotective effect on the brain and prevention of dementia;
  • minimizing seizure readiness in patients with epilepsy;
  • Treatment for PTSD and reactive depression.

THC directly affects the psyche, changing the standard perception of the world. Also, sativa can activate the limbic centers that are responsible for emotions.


This subspecies of marijuana is characterized by large bushiness, wide leaves and small growth. The plant grows mainly in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan. Indica often has a sweet, fruity scent, but there may also be some slightly offensive plants. The concentration of THC is high here - up to 25%. The main effect produced is a stone, when the whole body becomes heavier and seems to chain you to the sofa. The therapeutic properties of indica are as follows:

  • elimination of spasms and reduction of pain, normalization of muscle tone;
  • suppression of inflammation;
  • prevention of seizures;
  • sleep improvement;
  • increased appetite.

The action of this variety of marijuana mainly extends to the body, clears the mind through deep relaxation. The feeling of peace can border on a meditative state. The sedative effect is manifested in the form of a decrease in anxiety, a decrease in stress and irritability, while the person does not become lethargic or lethargic. The ability to concentrate and remember a lot of information is preserved.


This type of hemp, due to its nature, is called a weed plant, it belongs to the subspecies of sowing hemp. It is characterized by excellent vitality and unpretentiousness in cultivation. Most often, ruderalis is no more than 1 m high, fleshy leaves have a few seeds. Compared to indica, this variety matures faster - within 4–8 weeks.

It is worth noting that the concentration of cannabinoids in this species is minimal, so it is practically not used by growers, while ruderalis is highly valued by breeders. Most typically, this variety is used in mixtures of other marijuana strains.

* We do not encourage the use or cultivation of cannabis, especially in countries where it is prohibited by law. The material is for informational purposes only.

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