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CheckoutHow can you tell if you have the strongest auto in the world – the record-breaking auto, lively, beautiful, and THC-rich strain? To begin with, you should trust a trusted seed bank, purchase the strain from a responsible supplier, and then carefully protect it, feed it moderately and not give it to anyone. Today we will focus on the selection of a helpful strain, which you can buy in the Coffeeshop® online store and enjoy all the delights powerful variety of cannabis (unless, of course, you live in the territory of those countries where it is not prohibited by law).
In the fence variety, the content of THC (THC) exceeds 25-27%, but this is not the limit for modern strains. The mind-blowing strains reward the grower with shaggy heads strewn with sugar kief with THC in the 30-35% range.
A bit of theory. Everyone knows that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the most active cannabinoid found in hemp. The psychoactive effect of the plant, which rastamans call high, depends on its quantity. The strongest marijuana autoflowering strains contain high amounts of THC, which is what growers look for when buying. It is this figure that manufacturers indicate on the packages, but there is a catch …
By now, you are probably ready to hear the truth: hemp does not produce THC at all. Cannabis contains a completely different substance - THCA or tetrahydrocannabinol acid. Its beauty is that when heated, it turns into THC, that is, it is a precursor of tetrahydrocannabinol. The inscription on the cannabis seed package, which promises more than 30% THC, speaks precisely of the THCA content, increasing the content of which is a completely logical way to increase the effect of cannabis.
Determining the exact amount of THC in marijuana is not easy. This is done by experienced breeders in the laboratory, calculating the indicator using huge formulas. To obtain a reliable result, they take into account the loss of molecular weight, and it is the same for all strains. Because of this, there is a significant error in determining the final indicator of THC. And here's another secret from experienced Coffeeshop® growers: growers look at THCA instead of THC to make sure they're getting a really powerful strain.
However, such fine-tuning may be overkill for many growers. With good care, even a modest strain shows itself with dignity. If you're leaning towards buying proven strains, here's a list of the best strains for 2021.
The following options are very popular:
With each generation, marijuana is getting more and more addictive. Breeders have taken over not too long ago, and the mind-expanding British hippies during the Beatles era were content with 3-4% THC strains. The boom happened about 30 years ago, when many breeders were on fire with the idea of breeding the most powerful variety of marijuana, which they are doing to this day. However, the trend has changed a bit: previously, everyone was chasing a powerful uplifting effect. Today, the advanced society of developed countries, in which marijuana smoking is allowed, is more inclined towards balanced varieties. In such strains, the uplifting effect is gently replaced by a pleasant sedative relaxation.
You can purchase hemp, cannabis, marijuana seeds in the Coffeeshop® online store. We do not sell or encourage plants to be grown in countries where it is illegal to do so. Cannabis seeds do not contain psychoactive substances, so they can be bought in any quantity and completely freely. Our managers will help you choose the most powerful car that you can buy in Ukraine as a wonderful souvenir for yourself or a friend.