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Spots on marijuana leaves or powdery mildew - what is it

Spots on marijuana leaves or powdery mildew - what is it

Meow mildew - white spots on cannabis leaves, is one of the most serious problems that can arise in the process of growing cannabis. Ignoring the disease can lead to the death of the plant. At the first signs of fungus, it is necessary to take operational measures. The disease can be easily suppressed at its beginning, the main thing is to know effective methods of struggle. But it is worth remembering that it is easier to prevent any issue than to deal with it.

Attention! This material is for informational purposes only. It will be of interest to those who grow cannabis in regions with laws loyal to this occupation. Cannabis cultivation is prohibited in Ukraine.

Symptoms of powdery mildew

The first signs of the disease of hemp plants will be the formation of former spots, mold, on the leaves of the plants. Leaves may also change color from luscious green to pale or yellow. The bush begins to fall, acquires a noticeably painful appearance. Before the flour appears, small blisters form on the leaves. The surface loses its uniformity, shiny texture and health. Fungal disease is indicated not only by external manifestations, but also by a characteristic smell, which white fluffy mold spreads throughout the room where cannabis is grown.

Causes of powdery mildew

The main factors provoking the occurrence of the disease were:

  • lack of ventilation, which in combination with a high level of humidity becomes a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic plants in the air Since young bushes feel great at a relative humidity of 40-60%, a properly organized ventilation system becomes the first necessity when growing cannabis;
  • crowding, plants are placed too close to each other. Air movement under such conditions is very limited. Between the leaves, limited in free space, moisture forms, which means that fungal spores get a better atmosphere for reproduction;
  • contact with an already infected plant. If the grower notices the first symptoms of the disease on the bush, it must be immediately isolated from the rest of the bushes. This will prevent an epidemic and organize the treatment of only one bush, instead of saving the entire crop.

In the room where hemp is grown, everything must be thought out: from pallets to ventilation. Constant ventilation, maintaining a certain level of humidity and constant control condition of the bushes - all that is necessary for health I plant and high yield.

Treatment of infected bushes

If a white coating of hemp was noticed on the leaves of the bushes, it is necessary to urgently take measures to treat them. There are several most effective methods to get rid of powdery mildew:

  • antifungal sprays - powdery mildew is a fungal infection, so special sprays will help to quickly get rid of spots and save the entire bush. It will help in the early stages. You should spray carefully, trying not to get on the kidneys;
  • leaf sprayer - fertilizers for marijuana, which contain only natural ingredients such as fish emulsion, compost, herbal tea. Acts as a natural antiseptic. The lower part of the leaves is subject to processing;
  • elimination of infected areas - leaves affected by the disease must be carefully cut off, trying not to disturb the pores. Remote parts are placed in a package. It is better to combine this method with spraying so that the spores that remain on the plant and are not visible do not take root.

There is a folk way to deal with powdery mildew. Sprays of hydrogen peroxide and water help to overcome the disease, as well as a solution of citric acid. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to place the pots at a distance from each other, and also remember the need for competent organization of ventilation and air conditioning in the room.

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