LST - weak stress training

LST - weak stress training

Cannabis, like all life on the planet, loves the natural environment, but sometimes you have to adjust the plant for indoors, which helps to know what LST is and how to use this method correctly without harming cannabis. It is believed that such a simple method allows not only to compensate for the lack of dynamics and quality of natural light, but also to increase the yield by 20-30%.

What is the Low Stress Cannabis Training Method

In English, it sounds like Low Stress Training, which translates as "low stress hem." The method consists in changing the growth plane of the main, and after that, the lateral stakes. The trunk of the plant is bent and fixed, due to which the formation of new lateral branches is carried out almost evenly.

The fact is that in the top of the plant (meristem), where more light enters, the growth hormone auxin accumulates. It is enough to change the plane, and the hormone will migrate to the extreme leaves of each branch, making them stronger and larger cola.

LST is considered easy exercise, because changing the plane of the stem is a common thing for terrestrial flora - plants periodically do this on their own when they try to go around obstructing and get more light.

What is the LST method for?

The main thing, as we have already mentioned, is that training is needed to increase the harvest, but it can also result in not so obvious benefits.

Possibility to grow a large sativa in a small grow box. If you have limited space, but are already tired of choosing only between indica varieties, the LST method for hemp will open up new horizons for you. Even a two-meter bush can be “folded” into a compact and extremely cute “cobra”, which will also give a larger harvest than in the out.

The tiling of the entire space. In nature, plants compete for light, nutrients, and space. Indoors, competition is no less - the largest bushes grow where they get more light, where there is better humidity and sufficient air movement is organized. In the corners of the grow box, in which the environment is less favorable, the plants are not so lively and bear fruit worse. If you use the LST method, then you can tile the entire space and provide each of the hives with access to all privileges.

How to Train Plants with the LST Method

Your job is to help the bush shape the cola so that all the buds are about the same level.

As clamps, you can use any sufficiently wide tape. A screed, wire, and clothespins will do - the main thing is that the elements do not crash into the trunk and do not interfere with the normal passage of juices.

LST means working with a young plant. In a good way, this should be done when hemp has a 4-5 floor of leaves, but training is also allowed on larger bushes. It is worth remembering that the more cannabis, the stiffer the barrel, which means it will be easier to break it, and this is no longer a low-stress workout.

Implementing the process is easy:

  • Secure the stem at the base with a wide tie.
  • Bend the bush and fix the meristem in the desired position with another holder.
  • As the cannabis grows, supplement the structure with new clamps.

Do not water the plant the day before training. This will make the stem more pliable, which means that the risk of breaking it will be minimal.

Learn more about growing on the Coffeeshop® progressive horticulture blog. Here you will expand your horizons and can purchase everything for growing marijuana with the possibility of obtaining goods in any country in the world.

Coffeeshop® does not encourage the cultivation of prohibited plants (including marijuana) in the territories of those countries where it is not permitted by law. The material is provided for scientific and informational purposes only.

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