The ban on the cultivation and use of cannabis in most countries leads to confusion in concepts, which is why not everyone realizes what is the difference between hemp and marijuana and why there are differences in the name. On the one hand, they shout from all angles that this plant is a drug, and on the other hand, its seeds can be freely purchased, used for food and used to create clothes, cosmetics and household items. It's time, together with Coffeeshop®, to sort through all the misunderstandings and find out what hemp, cannabis, and marijuana are.
What is cannabis
The entire plant family is called Cannabis sativa (cannabis). It includes many varieties. Those that can be used for food or for the production of fibers are commonly called hemp (cannabis).
It is divided into male and female plants. They are grown in large open plantations, where the winds “walk” freely. Due to the movement of air, natural pollination occurs.
An adult plant is very tall - reaches 2-3 meters. From the stem of hemp, hemp is obtained, which is a raw material for the production of ropes, fabrics, and paper.
In addition to the stems, seeds are of great value. They are rich in vegetable oils and fiber, necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.
The psychotropic component of THC (THC - tetrahydrocannabinol) is practically absent in the sowing hemp. Its content does not exceed 0.3% (the limit varies depending on the country or region). For that, it has a lot of CBD (CBD - cannabidiol). It is used for medical purposes.
In the strains that are grown for the psychedelic experience, it is not the stems and seeds that are of interest, but the leaves and “bumps” - the flowers of the plant. They contain THC - a substance that has a narcotic effect on the body. And this is one of the answers to the question: “What is the difference between marijuana and hemp?”
What is marijuana
For its cultivation, as a rule, seeds by the piece are purchased. They do not contain prohibited substances, so the circulation of seeds is not regulated by law. Marijuana is valued for its high content of chemicals that cause changes in mental state. For these purposes, selectors, and growers (growers) cultivate only female plants. It is in their inflorescence that contains the largest amount of the psychotropic component - THC.
Marijuana is grown, as a rule, in conditions of strict control of climatic indicators. It is not easy to grow marijuana rich in TCG in open areas - you need to monitor daylight hours, humidity, and temperature. Most “northern” growers grow it in greenhouses or indoor grow boxes. They allow not only to hide the fact of growing, but also to create the necessary conditions for the plant to grow comfortably and have a rich harvest.
Marijuana has a much higher THC content than cannabis, reaching up to 30% in some strains.
Marijuana has been cultivated for centuries as actively as ordinary hemp, but with a different purpose - to conduct religious rituals and treat ailments, including psychological ones.
5 differences between hemp and marijuana
Hemp and marijuana differ in genetic heritage and cultivation conditions. It is believed that the ancestor of cannabis is precisely medical marijuana, from which two subtypes were subsequently identified - Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica.
THC content.
In narcotic cannabis (marijuana), the content of tetrahydrocannabinol varies from 1 to 30%. Breeders (breeders) pay attention to those strains (cultivars) in which the THC content exceeds 10-12%. Industrial hemp has negligible levels of THC, which is not the case with CBD. Cannabidiol neutralizes the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol, which makes it pointless to smoke industrial hemp for the sake of expanding consciousness - no coming will follow.
- Cultivation.
If you take cannabis in its original form, then the general population will be dominated by males. They are used in industry. The selection of exclusively female plants became “idea X” at a time when breeders began to think about the commercial potential of marijuana. Despite the fact that the plant in its natural environment is not capricious, working with females requires experience and a lot of knowledge.
It is not easy for an untrained observer to understand how to distinguish hemp from marijuana. Those who are unaware of the existence of industrial varieties, just in case, hate all cannabis, regardless of the destination. However, in a number of countries, legalize can be bought relatively easily. For medical purposes, the use of marijuana is allowed in 25 states of the USA, Croatia, Poland, Greece, Finland, Israel. Marijuana has been legal in Canada since 2001.
Making scientific experiments with cannabis is frankly difficult. First, it is banned in most countries. Secondly, not everyone admits that they use marijuana, so it is impossible to really understand how it affects the body of the respondents. Industrial grades were more fortunate. Their genetics are well understood, and breeders have more freedom to look at the industrial possibilities of the plant.
Let's summarize. So what's the difference between medical and recreational marijuana? The main thing is in the content of “mind-expanding” compounds (THC). Coffeeshop® does not encourage the cultivation of cannabis in Ukraine and other countries where there is a ban on such activities. You can buy seeds from us as a souvenir, as well as order equipment and fertilizers for growing permitted crops.