Before the first grow, everything is new: it is not clear what marijuana seeds look like, what varieties there are, and how to understand when buying that you have not been deceived. To begin with, marijuana cannot have seeds, but hemp, the plant from which marijuana is made from special varieties, can have them.
By the way, not everyone buys seeds for growing - there are many legal ways in our country to use the seeds of this plant: for cooking, making cosmetics or using them as feed for animals, birds, or fish. In the Coffeeshop® seed shop you can buy indica, sativa and hydride seeds, including as creative souvenir.
Appearance of hemp seeds
Cannabis seeds are often called nuts because they are very dense and have a similar color. The size of an ordinary seed is no larger than a match head. The color may vary depending on the variety: from greenish to deep brown. On the shell of such a "nut" there may be spots or stripes.
Selection of cannabis seeds by type
Hemp (cannabis) is divided into 4 types:
- Sativa is a type of cannabis whose ancestors grew in the tropics. These are tall, slender plants with relatively sparse foliage. Each sativa leaf is divided into thin, long “fingers” of light green color. A bush can reach 6 m outside and produce up to 3 kg of buds.
- Indica - This type of cannabis comes from the mountains of Afghanistan and India. The bushes of such a plant are squat (up to 2 m), dense. The crown forms a shape resembling a Christmas tree. Indica leaves have wide dark green “brushes”. Due to its small stature, it is more often chosen for indoor cultivation. From one bush you can collect 1.5 kg of cones.
- Ruderalis - “wild”. It is from this hemp that clothes, furniture and household items are created. Ruderalis contains practically no psychoactive substances, therefore it is grown for industrial purposes. Its height is less than a meter, from which you can collect up to 0.1 kg of flowers.
- Hybrid - Breeders crossbreed different types and varieties of cannabis to create super seeds with increased potential.
How to choose cannabis seeds according to the nature of genetics
Here, the seeds are again divided into four categories:
- Regular (Regular) - the usual and cheapest type of seed. In this category, there are both female and male plants. Regular varieties are suitable for those growers who conduct their own experiments in the role of a breeder.
- Feminized (Fem) - such seeds include only those that give life to female plants. They are the most valuable for the grower, because male bushes do not produce buds.
- Autofeminized (AutoFem) - if you want to understand how to choose the seeds of marijuana, cannabis, hemp, then you cannot do without knowing this group. This includes the most popular strains that have the characteristics of automated and feminized seeds at the same time.
- Fast Seeds are feminized varieties with a 1-3 month shorter flowering period.
How to choose good genetics for your first grow
The most popular seeds are from Europe and South America. Seed banks (companies that breed and sell new cannabis strains) recommend selecting autofeminized seeds with good health for the first grow. Before buying, make sure that the future plant is not capricious, has strong immunity and is as immune to grower's mistakes as possible. If you are confused about the variety of types and varieties of cannabis, please contact our managers. You only need to decide the effect, and our consultant will select the best variety for you.