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What is managa and how to brew hemp milk

What is managa and how to brew hemp milk

Vegans were the first to prepare this drink to improve the tone of the body and fill it with energy.

It's about the manga. This is hemp milk that can be prepared at home. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations so that the drink turns out to be high in useful components.

Managa: Key Benefits

Before you cook milk, you need to figure out what the strength of this drink is and whether it is worth drinking.

First - composition. The drink has a high content of vitamins, micro and macro elements that have a positive effect on the entire body.

After taking the drink, you will feel:

  • slight sedative effect: tremor and anxiety will leave the body;
  • appetite reduction;
  • Surge of energy and strength: there is a craving for walks and various activities.

The effect is noticeable a few minutes after drinking.

Second - impact on the main body systems. It improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system (neutralizes circulatory problems), strengthens the immune system and optimizes kidney function. Managu is recommended to use if there are stones or sand in the kidneys. But before you prepare a drink, you need to consult a specialist.

It is also attributed to those who have disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system. It normalizes its work, and, accordingly, improves metabolism.

Healing drink effect

If the recipe for managa is followed, then within half an hour after tasting the drink (no more than 100 ml at a time!), You will feel a slight dizziness and dry mouth, and then a feeling of euphoria will appear.

Energy appears. I want to talk about everything in the world, laugh, walk, run and do something memorable. The effect of the mana lasts for several hours.

How to cook managa: basic recipes

Now let's figure out how to brew managa properly in order to get both pleasure from the drink and benefits.

Recipe #1

Suitable for those who devote a minimum of time to cooking. You will need 50 g of hemp seeds, milk, honey and spices. Grind the seeds in a blender, add the rest of the ingredients and mix them thoroughly. The drink is ready.

Recipe #2

For those who prefer sweet drinks. The first step is making hemp milk.


  • cannabis leaves (top) with buds;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 0.5 tsp soda.

The leaves are placed in a saucepan and poured with milk. Cook the mixture over low heat for 50-60 minutes after boiling. Add soda after the milk boils. Stir the mixture all the time.

After boiling, strain the milk through cheesecloth and add 200 g of strawberries and one banana to it. We mix everything in a blender.

Recipe #3

This way of making managa will appeal to fans of cocktails. You need to mix ready-made hemp and almond milk in equal proportions, add figs and vanilla sugar to taste.

Choose the recipe for making managa that suits you best, and prepare a healing drink in the near future.

Ingredients for cooking managi

The Coffeeshop team does not encourage the use of this article as a manual in countries where it is prohibited. The article is for informational purposes.

For the preparation of managi, you will need hemp seeds - "femki".

Marijuana seeds in Ukraine of a similar format can be ordered in a specialized store - coffeeshop. We offer high quality products, a convenient method of payment and delivery of goods in Ukraine and other countries (this information is discussed during the preparation of the order).

You will receive the main ingredient for making a drink with a high content of vitamins and trace elements!

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